A collection of dysfunctional life stories and unusual observations.
Choose who YOU want to BE next time around!
Published on August 21, 2006 By Brhat In Religion
**The opinions and ideas expressed in this blog come from a variety of books and experiences. "The Disappearance of the Universe" By Gary Renard, where any quotes will be from, is my main source. If you visit my website, Bridgett's Cool Little WebsiteLink It will take you directly to Ebay's selection of it where you can buy the book cheaper.**

When I was reading "The Disappearance of the Universe", two very heavy concepts caught my interest. This ulitmatly led to an epiphany I had about how we choose our lives. Read on if your interested.

Concept #1 Time has already happened and it's already OVER. From the creation of the Universe to it's end of existence- it has already happened. It actually happened in an instant and then reality was restored to us. However, where we are, right now, is in the middle of it, living in it as if we don't know the outcome.

Concept#2 You could live the same lifetime more than once with different earthly results. This is due to the fact that there are many dimensions of time and alternate universes working in the grand illusion we call life. If you make a different descision about anything the second time around, you will get different earthly results.

I've read a lot of books about the afterlife, the spirit world and reincarnation. They all had some differences in explaining what exactly happens when we dpeart this world. The consistent idea among them, however, is that WE choose our life. We choose all the crap we go through. And we reincarnate. We cycle through different lives to experience certain lessons in order for our 'souls' to perfect and ultimately become one with God. We've had hundreds of lives and will probabaly have dozens more before we wake up and realize that it isn't necessary. I always wondered how can we know what's going to happen to choose it?

Well, apparently because the Spirit World is outside of time (but still in the illusion), and from there we are able to observe, study or act in time. Since, being inhabitants of the Spirit World, we are also outside time and not governed by it, the lives we choose would not have to be in sequential order. We can be reborn into a lifetime from the past or the future. The bodies we inhabit during our time spent in Time are not ours to begin with. We just chose to inhabit this person, in time, and deal with all their problems. So, basically in my next lifetime I can choose to live as Marilyn Monroe if I want, or be on the Titanic or leap over to the year 2500. How cool is that?

on Aug 21, 2006
so who do you think it was that chose to be you? Hmmmmmmm?

I don't see how anyone can come up with these ideas since no one has come back to tell about it at least as far as I know.

But I have to agree with one thing.....for the most part we do chose the crap we go through....

on Aug 21, 2006
quote ------ We cycle through different lives to experience certain lessons in order for our 'souls' to perfect and ultimately become one with God. We've had hundreds of lives and will probabaly have dozens more before we wake up and realize that it isn't necessary. I always wondered how can we know what's going to happen to choose it?
--------end quote

How does this tie in with the increased population figures? The world population today is greater than 300 years ago? None of these theories accounts for the increased amount of bodies on the earth plain or physical realm. Surely the figures would be more or less static give or take a few?
on Aug 21, 2006
Concept #1 Time has already happened and it's already OVER. From the creation of the Universe to it's end of existence- it has already happened. It actually happened in an instant and then reality was restored to us. However, where we are, right now, is in the middle of it, living in it as if we don't know the outcome.

sheesh this is confusing!
on Aug 21, 2006
sheesh this is confusing!

VERY confusing! I do however like to think about the concept of # 2 seeing as I believe in reincarnation, de ja vu and all that. You bring up a very good point though Jennifer, if that concept is true, what about the growth in population? Perhaps they did make room for that, that's why it is said, that as a person dies, there's new birth. I dunno, that's just as confusing an answer as everything else!!
on Aug 21, 2006
Reply to KFC-- If your a fan of Jesus Christ, you should really read this book. (The Disappearance of the Universe, by Gary Renard. Click on my external website and it'll take you to ebay's page for it.) He was the first one of us to wake up from the dream and he is the one who has sent us HELP to do the same. The beginning explains how Jesus and the Holy Spirit are in it it together to get us to claim our natural birthright- being one with God in Heaven.

Reply to Jennifer-- I know it's confusing!! After I read the book I was in a thinking stupor for about 2 weeks trying to put it all together! As for population growth- that's long been a question. . I can answer that in 2 ways:
1.) Not every soul that is in the Spirit World reincarnations regularly. The amount of souls in heaven and the amount of bodies on earth do not correlate. There are many, many more souls in heaven than bodies on earth. Souls are coming into the world more and more now because it is a very voltile time on earth and it is at these times that souls experience and progess the most. We are coming up to some really serious shit, whatever it is, because souls are scambling to get in via multiple birth.
2.) It's all part of the illusion. The dream you are dreaming is so incredibly complex it's unimaginable! How it got created and so complex is explained directly in the book, "The Disappearance of the Universe" by Gary Renard. No matter how complex it is, it is still not real, but instead is a dream of guilt and fear over seperating from God, which did not happen. If you are confused, read my first article, "Wake up. You're Dreaming.".
on Aug 21, 2006
I'm just trying to figure out a couple of things here. One....why on earth would anyone want to come back as Marilyn Monroe....lol? And if so, what happens if 10 or 1,000 want that? How can they all come back at the same time? Do they wait in line?

And the other thing I was wondering about.....If true, I would think we would have quite a few second, third, fourth Buddah's, Christs, Elvis, (maybe it's the sightings?) Rhett Butlers or Babe Ruth's running around. So far I haven't run into an Abe Lincoln, George Washington or even Hitler...

and what about the scriptures that say a man dies once and there is no belief in reincarnation to be seen there? Do we discount that for another?

Geeeesh, I feel like a six year old......

on Aug 23, 2006
Everything has already happened ... Time has already happened and it's already OVER. From the creation of the Universe to it's end of existence- it has already happened

This is consonant with scientific discoveries. Einstein said, “The distinction between past, present and future is an illusion, however persistent.”

This means that from a ‘God’s eye’ perspective of the universe, from outside the physical cosmos, every event in the universe - past, present and future –would appear simultaneously in one Epic Moment.

Perspective is the key. Space and time are part of the physical Creation, and God, who exists outside of space and time, as well as inside - sees everything, and possesses all wisdom, all knowledge, and all power.

I've read a lot of books about the afterlife, the spirit world and reincarnation. They all had some differences in explaining what exactly happens when we dpeart this world. The consistent idea among them, however, is that WE choose our life. We choose all the crap we go through. And we reincarnate.

Yes, that’s right. You might have missed a post I wrote a year or two ago on JU which described this principle. I'll paste it again here...

‘We’ve all asked the questions, "Why are we here? Is there any purpose to life? Is there life beyond the veil of death"? I happen to possess some answers to these questions via a quick-route method without necessarily having 'grown' into them. I’m psychic, you see, so I’m cheating. But due to the natural laws of growth it’s humanity's destiny to awaken to this stuff anyway, so here it is for those who are ready:

(1) We are eternal spiritual beings, and when we die, our soul continues to experience life on the Other Side. There, we retain our individuality, live full lives in Heaven, and exist for all eternity. It is there that we are at our most alive and vibrant.

(2) We freely choose to incarnate on physical planes such as earth as many times as we like, in order to face challenges and trials which don't exist in Paradise. A good way to interpret the nature of our short lives on earth is to perceive them as quick trips to the gym, which promote spiritual muscle and growth. Our ultimate goal is to achieve spiritual perfection and high soul-stature.

(3) The hardships and tribulations that we face on earth are of our own choosing, not God's. For each trip to earth, we choose our own bodies, we choose the timing of our incarnation, we choose the conditions of our upbringing and the challenges we face. (The greater the physical challenge, the greater potential for spiritual advancement. Hence, disabled bodies, for example, or even an ugly face, are actually blessings in disguise.)

(4) Our earthly minds are deliberately 'veiled' from the whole Truth in order for our soul to experience challenges of a deeper kind. (Concepts such as "fear", "loneliness", "pain", "hatred", "ugliness", "insecurity", and "doubt" etc. are incoherent in Heaven. They can only be experienced in realms such as earth-life, and our deeper goal is to rise above them and conquer them from within. If we were always aware of the whole Truth, then not only would the challenges would cease to be, but we’d also be jumping off bridges in an attempt to get back Home).

(5) Our degree of wisdom, inner peace and spiritual enlightenment is determined generally by our soul's level of growth and advancement. i.e. materialistic or shallow folk might be beginners at the game of life, whilst wise and spiritually mature folk have probably done the rounds many times before.

(6) The quickest way to advance spiritually and to cultivate positive karma, is to love, and to adhere to principles of goodwill, forgiveness and integrity.

(7) For the vast majority of souls, death is a highly positive experience. It is like being released from a dark, stuffy room, walking into a breathtaking world of freedom, beauty and light.

(8) The quality of our inner-experience on the Other Side is determined generally by the amount of spiritual wealth we have accumulated on our journey so far. People who have deliberately caused much evil and damage on earth, like Hitler, will experience an inner feeling of darkness and guilt when they arrive in Heaven. They will see the bigger picture and will be aware of the consequences of their actions to others and to their own soul. Some might describe their experience as "hell". Oftentimes such people will automatically incarnate back to earth - or to another physical planet, (not necessarily in our solar system) - in order to face challenges in an attempt to `burn off' their negative karma. (It is near-impossible to balance out negative karma in Heaven, because the challenges don't exist there.)

(9) We are all eternally secure and loved unconditionally by our Heavenly Father. Love and enlightenment is our ultimate destiny, and all the dramas of earthly life are really part of a big 'game', played out by souls dressed in fleshy garb to fulfil a divine Plan. Whilst in this physical world, it is indeed like living in the Matrix. Even though most people assume that this is the "real world", and that our earthly life is the be all and end all of our existence, there is a Real World beyond our earthly awareness. The difference between our situation and the situation portrayed in the movie 'the Matrix', is that the ultimate nature of reality is actually LOVE.

(10) From the divine perspective, the universe is a piece of art. It's like a huge kaleidoscope with many dimensions, swirling, dancing and expanding. Even though the universe seems so big, and we can feel so small, from God's point of view, physical size makes no difference at all. We all possess deep intrinsic value in God's eyes, regardless of how worthless or small we think we are. All negativities and apparent contradictions are merely ‘contrasts’ in the bigger picture, and as is the case with all epic pageants, the full picture would not be as beautiful, rich or deep if it were not for the deeper shades and contrasts of life.

(11) The 'substance' and physical laws in the Spirit World is very different to our earthly dimension. It therefore makes little sense to describe life in Heaven in basic earthly language. When our number is up, everything will become clear and will make perfect sense. We’ll see that Heaven is the real world, and that this physical realm is merely a temporary illusion – not unlike a bad dream - created for an all wise and beneficent purpose.

Even though the principle that we choose our own hardships might at first seem absurd, the principle that negativity can transmute into goodness and positivity can be understood by considering a tough problem or challenge that we might face in life. Imagine overcoming a problem through courage, determination and integrity. At the ‘other side’ of the challenge, so to speak, we would naturally feel stronger, more positive, and victorious - because of the challenge rather than in spite of it. This same principle applies on a larger scale to a tough lifetime on earth. From Heaven’s point of view, our earth-lives are mere blinks of an eye, and the harshest, most unpleasant lives are true spiritual treasures, the fruits of which last forever.
on Aug 23, 2006
Andy that earned you an insightful.

I found the article easy to read and understand as well as very enlightening. In all the years that I have attended the spiritualist church I have not learnt or understood as much as I have gained from this article. Thank you.
on Aug 24, 2006
Thanks Jennifer, that’s very kind of you. I believe that the degree to which it strikes a chord is an indication of how ready we are to hear it.

While guided by the Holy Spirit - the Comforter, who can act as our inner-compass - it’s possible to discern what is false - or at least misguided - and what is aligned with Truth, regarding higher truths of reality, if we search our hearts deeply enough. I believe that the reason why some people might come to different conclusions to others is because we’re all at different stages on the path, i.e. at different levels of spiritual growth.

Even though some people’s beliefs might be more aligned with ‘what is so’ than others, as long as we’re at peace with our beliefs, and remain true to ourself, and to God, (if we believe in God), then that’s what really counts.