A collection of dysfunctional life stories and unusual observations.
Brhat's Articles In Religion
August 21, 2006 by Brhat
**The opinions and ideas expressed in this blog come from a variety of books and experiences. "The Disappearance of the Universe" By Gary Renard , where any quotes will be from, is my main source. If you visit my website, Bridgett's Cool Little Website Link It will take you directly to Ebay's selection of it where you can buy the book cheaper.** When I was reading "The Disappearance of the Universe", two very heavy concepts caught my interest. This ulitmatly led to an epiphany I had ab...
August 17, 2006 by Brhat
**The subject of this blog came directly from reading, "The Disappearance of the Universe" By Gary Renard. If you haven't read it and want to know exactly how the world and universe were created, what time and space REALLY are and how you CAN wake up from this dream, please click on the link to my website, Bridgetts cool little website, at the bottom of this page and find it on Ebay for cheap. It will change your life.** If God had anything to do with this world, he would rent a bilboard...